I'm currently writing a book called, "A Buddhist Perspective on U.S. Politics."
The Uvalde, Texas school shooting and Nancy Pelosi going to Taiwan are what originally inspired me to write this book.
From there, the topics I wanted to cover grew. I plan on writing about U.S. foreign policy and militarism, healthcare, and corruption within our government.
I am Chinese-American, and I was raised as a Buddhist, so I feel I have may have some unique insights and solutions into the problems we face today.
This book I'm writing will have elements of research, but will also have elements of analysis. It isn't a purely academic book, because I will use my personal views to analyze my research.
The first part of my research will involve conducting qualitative research: interviews, that I hope can add some new solutions into the mess that we have with corporations having undue influence over mainstream media, and politicians who often repeat talking points, often with both sides offering their own perspectives and minimizing the perspectives of the other party, which is why Washington can never get anything done. Voters parrot mainstream ideas and the ideas politicians put forth, and nothing ends up getting accomplished.
When politicians agree with any point the other party(s) makes, they are considered traitors and sellouts. Again, the voters act this way toward members of their own party or even family members.
You would think bipartisanship is the way to go, but when both parties are corrupt in many ways or have many corrupt members, then bipartisanship isn't necessarily a good thing.
Politicians often bring up important or big issues before elections, then never bring it up again until the next election, because making the people angry gets more people to vote for you.
Coming back to interview participants, the reason I'm interviewing the people directly is because the media and politicians often never talk to the people directly. I know that qualitative research is subject to bias, but I want the people to speak for themselves. I want to hear their firsthand perspectives on the issues that matter, whether I agree with them or not, and whether or not I agree with their solutions.
After I put their perspectives into my book, I will then analyze it, using morality and ethics as my basis.
You are free to disagree with my conclusions.
I think it was Coach John Wooden who once said, "Let us disagree without becoming disagreeable." I probably don't have the exact quote, but you get the idea.
You can follow my facebook page to get more up-to-date information on the political issues I'm covering. I will mostly cover U.S. imperialism and war.
As a Chinese-American, if the U.S. and China go to war in the form of a proxy war over Taiwan, it will affect me, because I have family in China and the U.S., and I have friends in Taiwan.
Let's just say I don't need non-Chinese people telling me my own history and asking me to ignore the U.S. soldiers who raped and killed Chinese women during the Boxer Rebellion, and the Christian missionaries who allowed that to happen. Let's just say we don't need the U.S. to become involved in a civil war, or get involved in yet another conflict after the Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. wars.